How to decorate your room according to the Grand Millennial style
If you have been active on the Internet forum, drifting between Tumblr, or Instagram, you would have noticed terms like ‘boomer’, ‘millennial’, and so on. The most recent term floating around these platforms is ‘grand millennial.’ The ‘grand millennial’ decor trend is wildly different from the monochrome-print contrasted modern decor, or the minimalistic decor trends that have dominated walls since late 2010s.
If you would define your aesthetic as ‘rebellious goth teen’ or an ‘eclectic grandma’, then the grand millennial style is for you. The grand millennial decor trend has been adopted by rebellious individuals who want to move away from monochrome walls, or sleek minimalistic decor of the past decade. The very essence of grand millennial style is mixing and matching various prints and mediums, even including needlework in walls. Read on to know how to decorate your room in this style.
The central trust behind the grand millennial style is using organic materials like wicker, needlework embroidery, jute, wood, and rattan to fill in the spaces. As the world is progressing, global warming and climate change is wreaking havoc on our ecosystem. It is only our duty to choose more eco-friendly and sustainable options to ensure the survival of our next generation.

To turn your room into a grand millennial heaven, replace your ordinary cotton bed sheets in favor of organic cotton bed sheets that absorb less water during production and are environmentally sustainable. You will find a variety of printed and patterned organic cotton bed sheets from luxury organic Indian bedding stores. You could use them over your bed, and invest in a comforter to begin your bed layering.
Thrifting is timeless and classy, and deserves all the hype that it is getting nowadays. Grand millennial style thrives on reusing old items and giving it a new appeal. You could repaint your grandmother’s old broken vase with quirky patterns and keep it in your room. Not everything has to be thrifted, but choose sustainable stores to pick your organic bedding and knick-knacks.
Be a rug hoarder when you are styling your room in the grand millennial style! Incorporate jute seating stools, wooden lamps, wicker stools wrapped in twisty prints, and lots of cushions in lots of places in your bedroom. Grand millennial style tends to look a bit cluttered, as it is a melting pot of various prints. You have to make sure the colors don’t clash and you keep the rest of the surface clean. Art prints of previous decades and tassels on doors would complete your grand millennial style look.
The next time you host a friends’ sleepover or tea party your friends would be blown away with your sustainable and healthy bedding choices and stylish, eclectic decor. Organic bed sheets are not only a grand millennial aesthetic item. They would allow lots of air to pass in through the sheets, making it immensely comfortable and breathable. Embrace your quirkiness and take a step towards healthy, sustainable living with the grand millennial room decor style.
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